Australia is home to over 2,000 species of spiders, including some of the world’s deadliest species. But contrary to popular belief, most types like the Wolf spider are quite harmless and, if bitten, will only cause minor symptoms. Despite their scary appearance, they play a significant role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. They also provide a form of pest control as they feed on insects around the home.

Nonetheless, a spider infestation on a residential or commercial property can still be a cause for concern. Especially, if you have venomous spiders which can threaten the safety of your family or employees. That’s where Bug Buster’s pest management technicians come in.

Where are they hiding?

First of all you’ll need to know where to look in order to identify if you have a spider infestation. Places to look for spiders and webs include corners, window sills, ceilings, outdoor furniture, the ground, near sprinklers, crevices and gaps, garden sheds, basements, attics, closets, storage boxes and storage areas.

Spiders will make a home and hideout in dark and sometimes damp places where they can access a food supply of ants, flies, or other insects.

Spider webs

If you start to see more spider webs around your home or office, backyard, in the garden, around eves, or on window sills, then you may have an issue. Spider webs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes depending on the type of spider, look for small delicate webs, large expansive webs, and even funnel shaped webs.

Spider eggs

Spiders usually mate around autumn when the temperature starts to get a bit cooler. They will mate and then lay eggs into a silk spun sac. Each sac can contain around 100 eggs. You’ll find these sacs attached to surfaces, on webs, or carried by the mother spider herself. If you see spider egg sacs, expect that you may soon have a spider infestation!

More spiders

If you’re seeing more spiders around your home or business, it’s likely they are multiplying or hiding on the premises. Many people suffer from a fear of spiders, therefore a spider infestation can have a large impact on your business in particular if there are employees and customers around. It’s important to treat any spider infestations professionally in order to avoid the risk of spider bites and also to avoid deterring customers.

More spiders can also mean that they have been attracted to another type of pest on your premises which they are feeding on, indicating another pest problem. It’s best to contact a professional pest control service in this case in order to identify your pests, and also to ensure your own safety against potentially venomous spiders.

Safeguarding Your Home Against Spiders

It’s always easier to safeguard your Perth home or office against spiders and other unwanted guests before they become a problem. There are several preventative measures you can take to help reduce the chance of a spider infestation in your home.

  • Ensure your home is sealed – consider installing fly screens and tight-fitted windows to stop spiders and other creepy crawlies from sneaking in.
  • Avoid leaving clothing on the floor – spiders tend to nestle in sheltered areas, so avoid leaving loose items lying around inside your house.
  • Check your shoes – remember spiders like dark, sheltered areas. If you’ve noticed any unwanted guests in your property, make sure to check your shoes before you put them on.
  • Keep your home free from creepy crawlies – most spiders feed on other spiders and insects, so maintaining an insect-free house is an effective way of preventing infestations.
  • If you do notice an insect infestation in your home or commercial property, seek professional help to eradicate the problem and prevent further spider infestations.
  • Wear gloves when gardening to prevent unwanted encounters with any resident spiders.

FAQ's & More Information

Do you remove cobwebs?

It’s best to leave webs up prior to a spider treatment as this gives our techs an idea of the areas where spiders are present. The webs also help in the treatment of spiders as the chemical remain on the webs when the spiders come out. We won’t re-attend to remove webs but recommend homeowners to clean webs up about 2 weeks after a treatment. 

How do you know if you have a spider infestation?

It’s paramount to first identify the potential places that a spider infestation can occur in your home. Common places to look for spiders and webs include: 

  • corners
  • closets
  • ceilings
  • windowsills
  • the ground
  • crevices and gaps
  • near sprinklers
  • outdoor furniture
  • garden sheds
  • attics
  • basements
  • storage boxes and storage areas 

Dark and often damp places are where spiders will most likely hideout and make a home as it provides easy access to a food supply of ants, flies, or other insects.