Feral Pests
Bug Busters Feral Animal Division provides a cost-effective solution for pest and feral animal problems. We will remove and relocate nuisance animals, as well as provide humane pest and vermin control throughout the Perth metro area and all of Western Australia. Our team of Vertebrate Pest Managers visit remote towns and mine sites almost monthly so we're never far from your problem. Contact us today, to see if we can assist you with any trapping, monitoring or culling solutions.
Our team of professionals are licenced by the Department of Health to undertake feral animal control using 1080. We have developed our own Standard Operating Procedures to cover all aspects of Feral Animal Management, from working in remote areas, operating 4WD's in remote areas, using firearms around mining and exploration camps to transporting, storing and using 1080. Our team are also qualified with Certificate III in Vertebrate Pest Management and are licenced to humanely euthanise vertebrate pests using firearms if required.
Our goal is to provide high quality pest management services to home owners, commercial and industrial properties and rural land owners. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible outcomes for all our clients. We know that we can competitively assist you with your pest management issues.
We travel throughout various locations in WA and now into the NT and implement professional feral animal eradication programs for private land owners and Government/Council contracts. We use a combination high quality technology such as night vision and infra red optical equipment along with dog tracking techniques and professional effective lures to ensure our wild dog trapping and removal service is a complete success. To do the job properly we are coordinated, organised and methodical.
Bug Busters are not your average hunter or trapper, we are self sufficient and set up to operate in remote locations for extended periods of time, and effectively implement an intense eradication program from small hectares to large stations. Our programs are aimed to take down high numbers and provide our clients with continued strong results throughout the entire contract while providing each client with a detailed GPS recorded report on the hot spot locations, successful trapping locations, den locations and any information that can better provide our clients with on-going management.