If you’re finding an increase in stinging pests around your home or business, it’s important to get the problem dealt with as quickly as possible. Stings from bees and wasps are painful but can also be quite dangerous for small children or those who may be allergic.
If you’re experiencing frequent encounters with stinging insects around your home or business, a reliable pest control company can safely identify the source of the problem and provide effective treatment to keep you protected.
Let’s get to know more about stinging pests and what you can do to control them.
Bees vs wasps
Two types of stinging insects you’ll come across are bees and wasps. Both are more active during the warmer summer months. Bees collect pollen, whilst wasps will feed their young insect larvae and meat scraps. Wasps are generally more aggressive than bees and can sting repeatedly if threatened. Unlike honey bees, wasps can withdraw their sting. Nests can often be found outdoors under eaves, in sheds or in sheltered areas within your house such as wall cavities or attics.
How to avoid being stung
Regularly check for nests around your property, particularly in early spring. Newer nests are smaller in size and easier to treat than more established colonies.
If you spot bees or wasps hanging around, keep windows closed so they can’t make their way inside. Make sure you don’t tempt wasps with food by keeping bins secure and away from doors and windows, as well as covering sweet drinks (especially cans of soft drink) if you’re outside. If you do find a nest, keep children and pets away until you’ve called a pest controller to deal with it.
First aid after being stung
Although we hope it doesn’t happen in the first place, it’s good to know what to do if you’re stung by a bee or wasp. If you’re stung by a bee and it leaves the sting behind, don’t try to pull it out with tweezers. Instead, scrape it carefully from the side with a fingernail and then clean the area.
Use a cold pack to reduce the pain of a sting and you can also take over the counter pain relief. If you find the swelling won’t go down, speak to your pharmacist about taking an antihistamine.
Be on the lookout for signs for a severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, and get to emergency or call an ambulance if you’re unsure or if necessary.
What to do when you find stinging pests
If you’re finding an increase in stinging pests or you find a nest, the best thing to do is leave it alone and call an expert pest controller straight away. If you try to deal with a bee or wasp nest on your own, it could lead to serious injury. A pest control service will be able to inspect your home, locate any nests and recommend solutions.
Trust to pest control experts
inside. Make sure you don’t tempt wasps with food by keeping bins secure and away from doors and windows, as well as covering sweet drinks (especially cans of soft drink) if you’re outside. If you do find a nest, keep children and pets away until you’ve called a pest controller to deal with it.
First aid after being stung
Although we hope it doesn’t happen in the first place, it’s good to know what to do if you’re stung by a bee or wasp. If you’re stung by a bee and it leaves the sting behind, don’t try to pull it out with tweezers. Instead, scrape it carefully from the side with a fingernail and then clean the area.
Use a cold pack to reduce the pain of a sting and you can also take over the counter pain relief. If you find the swelling won’t go down, speak to your pharmacist about taking an antihistamine.
Be on the lookout for signs for a severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, and get to emergency or call an ambulance if you’re unsure or if necessary.
What to do when you find stinging pests
If you’re finding an increase in stinging pests or you find a nest, the best thing to do is leave it alone and call an expert pest controller straight away. If you try to deal with a bee or wasp nest on your own, it could lead to serious injury. A bee removal service will be able to inspect your home, locate any nests and recommend solutions.
Trust to pest control experts
At Perth-based Bug Busters, we’re a one stop shop for pest removal solutions. We use safe and effective methods to remove a range of pests from your home and also provide tailored pest management services for your business. Whatever the pest, from termites and rodents to spiders and cockroaches, our friendly staff will deal with the problem quickly and efficiently.
For general bee or bee hive removal solutions to your home or business, contact Bug Busters today on 08 9493 1313.