Perth’s Common Autumn Pests
Autumn is a busy time for pest control professionals. As summer draws in and temperatures start to fall, humans aren’t the only ones who like to spend more time inside. Warm homes become attractive to all sorts of pests, offering the ideal conditions to shelter from the cold and extend the breeding season. At Bug […]
How to Get Rid of Rats and Mice in Your Perth Home
Rodent infestations are a common problem for property owners here in Perth. While a single mouse may seem insignificant, if left untreated, rodent infestations can cause extensive damage, while spreading disease and contaminating food. A key challenge with rodent infestations is their reproduction rate. Female mice give birth every six to eight weeks, and with […]
How to Spot a Termite Infestation
Termites can be difficult to spot, but you’ll soon know if you have them. Accounting for millions of dollars worth of property damage every year across Australia, a termite infestation can lead to a pretty mean repair bill for home or business owners—especially if you leave them long enough to feast their way through your […]
Murray Valley Encephalitis Warning
There’s nothing better than settling down for a good night’s sleep on a cold Winter’s night – unless you’re joined by some uninvited house guests! Bed bugs are the vampires of the pest world and, unfortunately for us, their favourite meal is human blood. If you’re waking up to unwelcome itches, here’s how to know if you’ve been bitten by bed bugs.
Bed bug bites: how to know when you’ve been bitten
There’s nothing better than settling down for a good night’s sleep on a cold Winter’s night – unless you’re joined by some uninvited house guests! Bed bugs are the vampires of the pest world and, unfortunately for us, their favourite meal is human blood. If you’re waking up to unwelcome itches, here’s how to know if you’ve been bitten by bed bugs.
Winter is here: is your business at risk from rodents?
Winter is here and, unfortunately for Perth business owners, so are the rodents. Just like humans, rats and mice tend to migrate inside during the colder weather in search of warmth, food and shelter. This puts Perth’s businesses at a greater risk of rodent infestations during the Winter months. If you run a hospitality business, now is the time to turn up your rodent control efforts and organise that long-awaited commercial pest inspection.
Five creepy insect horror movies
If there is one thing that gets the blood pumping it’s a good scary film, but horror movies have an extra fear factor when they include real life monsters – creepy crawlies! This list of movies is sure to get your skin crawling. Be careful, you never know what is lurking in the top of a cupboard or in the bottom of your shoe….
Bed Bug prevention tips
Bed bugs are the last thing you want to encounter when you cosy down for a good night’s sleep. These pesky critters can leave unlucky hosts with some pretty itchy bites and pose a serious problem for Perth’s home and hotel owners. Whilst you’ll need to call your Perth pest control experts if you’ve spotted an infestation, the best way to avoid bed bugs is to prevent them from biting in the first place!